- 美國Masterflex
- OMEGA熱電偶
- OMEGA熱電偶線
- OMEGA熱電偶補償導線
- OMEGA插頭插座面板
- OMEGA熱電阻
- OMEGA熱敏電阻
- OMEGA變送器
- OMEGA高溫膠
- OMEGA紅外溫度測量儀器
- OMEGA溫濕度標簽
- OMEGA溫度計/濕度計
- OMEGA溫濕度傳感器
- OMEGA泵和混合器
- OMEGA校準器
- OMEGA壓力計
- OMEGA壓力表
- OMEGA壓力開關
- OMEGA壓力傳感器
- OMEGA稱重傳感器
- OMEGA應變片
- OMEGA液位開關
- OMEGA液位傳感器
- OMEGA流量計
- OMEGA扭矩傳感器
- OMEGA位移傳感器
- OMEGA加速度計
- OEMGA風速計
- OMEGA電工電工儀表
- OMEGA pH和傳導
- OMEGA加熱器
- OMEGA信號調節器
- OMEGA I/P轉換器
- OMEGA數據采集
- OMEGA自動化
- OMEGA數顯表
- OMEGA壓力應力重力傳感器
- 圣戈班軟管
- 美國Antylia
- 美國Cole-Parmer
- 德國HelixMark
- Cole-Parmer流量計
- 美國Masterflex泵管
- 道康寧/Dow Corning硅膠管
- Kinesis
- 美國pyrex
- 美國zefon
- Nasco Whirl-Pak無菌采樣袋
- 美國JACO
- Ismatec泵|軟管
- 日本Horiba
- 英國Burkard布卡德
No more eye strain - front shield magnifies scale 16 percent for easier readings,Direct-reading flowmeters feature a calibrated scale for a specific medium—no need to convert readings to get flow rate,Scale will not wear off—made of fused ceramic for durability,Ensure accurate readings - vertical tangential locator with hairline accuracies,Aluminum fittings are economical and good for general
Cole-Parmer|MASTERFLEX 150 mm 直接讀數面板安裝流量計
型號/規格 | 材料 | *大流速 (mL/min) | 閥 | 描述 |
硼硅玻璃 | 50 | Yes | Masterflex 150 mm 流量計, 鋁制/藍寶石浮子; 用于空氣, 50 mL/min 32003-00 |
CN-32003-02 | Borosilicate glass | 75 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 75 mL/min Air
CN-32003-04 | Borosilicate glass | 100 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 100 mL/min Air
CN-32003-06 | Borosilicate glass | 200 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 200 mL/min Air
CN-32003-08 | Borosilicate glass | 300 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 300 mL/min Air
CN-32003-10 | Borosilicate glass | 2500 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Read, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 2.5 LPM Air
CN-32003-12 | Borosilicate glass | 5000 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; , 5 LPM Air
CN-32003-14 | Borosilicate glass | 10000 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 10 LPM Air
CN-32003-16 | Borosilicate glass | 1179 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 2.5 scfh Air
CN-32003-18 | Borosilicate glass | 3893 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 8.25 scfh Air
CN-32003-20 | Borosilicate glass | 7787 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 16.5 scfh Air
CN-32003-22 | Borosilicate glass | 10854 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 23 scfh Air
CN-32003-24 | Borosilicate glass | 23597 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 50 scfh Air
CN-32003-26 | Borosilicate glass | 44363 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Aluminum Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 94 scfh Air
CN-32004-00 | Borosilicate glass | 50 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Brass Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 50 mL/min Air
CN-32004-04 | 硼硅玻璃 | 100 | Yes |
Masterflex 150 mm 流量計, 黃銅/鎢鈷硬質合金浮子; 用于空氣, 100 mL/min
N-32004-06 | 硼硅玻璃 | 200 | Yes |
Masterflex 150 mm 直讀式流量計, 黃銅/不銹鋼浮子; 用于空氣, 200
CN-32004-08 | Borosilicate glass | 300 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Brass Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 300 mL/min Air
CN-32004-10 | 硼硅玻璃 | 2500 | Yes |
Masterflex 150 mm 直讀式流量計, 黃銅/玻璃浮子; 用于空氣, 2.5
CN-32004-12 | Borosilicate glass | 5000 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Brass Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 5 LPM Air
CN-32004-14 | Borosilicate glass | 10000 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Brass Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 10 LPM Air
CN-32004-16 | Borosilicate glass | 1179 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Brass Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 2.5 scfh Air
CN-32004-26 | Borosilicate glass | 44363 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Brass Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 94 scfh Air
CN-32005-00 | 硼硅玻璃 | 50 | Yes |
Masterflex 150 mm 直讀式流量計, 不銹鋼/藍寶石浮子; 用于空氣, 50
CN-32005-02 | Borosilicate glass | 75 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 75 mL/min Air
CN-32005-04 | Borosilicate glass | 100 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 100 mL/min Air
CN-32005-06 | Borosilicate glass | 200 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 200 mL/min Air
CN-32005-08 | Borosilicate glass | 300 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 300 mL/min Air
CN-32005-10 | Borosilicate glass | 2500 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Read, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 2.5 LPM Air
CN-32005-12 | Borosilicate glass | 5000 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 5 LPM Air
CN-32005-14 | Borosilicate glass | 10000 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 10 LPM Air
CN-32005-18 | Borosilicate glass | 3893 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 8.25 scfh Air
CN-32005-20 | Borosilicate glass | 7787 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 16.5 scfh Air
CN-32005-24 | Borosilicate glass | 23597 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 50 scfh Air
CN-32005-26 | Borosilicate glass | 44363 | Yes |
Masterflex Variable-Area Flowmeter with Valve, Direct
Reading, Stainless Steel Fittings, 150-mm Scale; 94 scfh Air