- 美國Masterflex
- OMEGA熱電偶
- OMEGA熱電偶線
- OMEGA熱電偶補償導線
- OMEGA插頭插座面板
- OMEGA熱電阻
- OMEGA熱敏電阻
- OMEGA變送器
- OMEGA高溫膠
- OMEGA紅外溫度測量儀器
- OMEGA溫濕度標簽
- OMEGA溫度計/濕度計
- OMEGA溫濕度傳感器
- OMEGA泵和混合器
- OMEGA校準器
- OMEGA壓力計
- OMEGA壓力表
- OMEGA壓力開關
- OMEGA壓力傳感器
- OMEGA稱重傳感器
- OMEGA應變片
- OMEGA液位開關
- OMEGA液位傳感器
- OMEGA流量計
- OMEGA扭矩傳感器
- OMEGA位移傳感器
- OMEGA加速度計
- OEMGA風速計
- OMEGA電工電工儀表
- OMEGA pH和傳導
- OMEGA加熱器
- OMEGA信號調節器
- OMEGA I/P轉換器
- OMEGA數據采集
- OMEGA自動化
- OMEGA數顯表
- OMEGA壓力應力重力傳感器
- 圣戈班軟管
- 美國Antylia
- 美國Cole-Parmer
- 德國HelixMark
- Cole-Parmer流量計
- 美國Masterflex泵管
- 道康寧/Dow Corning硅膠管
- Kinesis
- 美國pyrex
- 美國zefon
- Nasco Whirl-Pak無菌采樣袋
- 美國JACO
- Ismatec泵|軟管
- 日本Horiba
- 英國Burkard布卡德
英國BURKARD EA0001型VORTIS吸昆蟲采樣器是一個重量輕、便攜式吸昆蟲采樣系統,用于從草中或者碎片中分離昆蟲。它比從前的采樣方法增加了更多的獨特功能。用這個采樣器進行采集,可以立即看到采集的昆蟲。不需網、袋或者篩子。可以迅速移走或者更換收集容器,并有多種規格和形狀的收集容器可供選用。收集的昆蟲被平安地存放起來,如果需要,還可以將它們放回到棲息地。英國BURKARD EA0001型VORTIS吸昆蟲采樣器輕便、完全可便攜,可以由一人輕松進行操作。在轉移收集物質的時候不會產生損失。
氣體流量: 10.5 m3/min.
重量:7.8 kg (17.2 lb)
高度:930 mm (36 inches)
采集面積:0.2 m2 (2.2 ft2)
Product Description
A light-weight portable suction sampling system designed to extract insects from herbage or debris with many distinct advantages over previously accepted methods.
- The insects collected are immediately visible.
- No nets, bags or filters.
- Collecting vessel may be rapidly removed or replaced.
- A wide range of sizes and shapes of collecting vessels may be used.
- Insects collected are safely deposited and may be returned to their habitat if required.
- Light and fully portable system easily operated by one person.
- No losses from the catch when transferring collected material.
- Ease and speed of collecting previously impossible to achieve.
- Collected material does not impede air flow.
- Air flow and therefore uniformity of collecting action can be monitored at all times.
This NEW design makes a radical break with the past in that the insects are deposited directly into a detachable transparent collecting vessel. NO BAGS, NETS OR FILTERS ARE REQUIRED.
Additional information
Air throughput |
10.5 m3/min. (370 cfm) |
Weight including engine |
7.8 kg |
Overall height |
930 mm |
Collecting Area |
0.2 m2 |